3Dk Solutions Limited
3Dk Solutions Limited 

Inspirational Coaching & Mindfulness

Here’s a funny thing ....we make our best decisions and judgement with a clear mind considering all the facts, thinking about different angles, different perspectives and working through perhaps, different options. How often do we make these decisions in the wrong environment? Sometimes key Leadership decisions require a different mindset. Sometimes it can be helped by a change in environment. The open-air is a big expansive space and is a useful coaching tool. 


Somehow I never thought I could, but we did it.......with a smile. 


Part of learning with 3Dk is about fun, empathy, understanding and seeing things from more than one angle, or dimension.


Putting the 3 into 3 dimensions with knowledge....3Dk. 


Somehow using nature to build on our mindfulness and being in the moment is tremendously powerful!


A time for reflection in some of the most iconic settings in nature. 


Sometimes a different view gives a different perspective, asking the right questions, at the right time, with an open mind, in an open space, produces some great results.




Sometimes to see the bigger picture you need to walk on the top of the world.


Will Betts, our qualified mountain guide, part of the mountain rescue team and executive coach. 


Somewhere different can help you set challenging objectives; doing things that may seem impossible at the time. 


Sometimes we really can move mountains!


Contact Address

3Dk Solutions Ltd. 

50 Goldcliff Close




Contact us

Mobile: (+44) 07713 085001

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© 3DK Solutions Ltd